
Arribatec Marine owns all the contents of the Internet Site, such as the logos, images, sounds, extracts, software, texts, icons, graphics, buttons.
Thus they are protected by the Italian and the international regulations on the copyright. Any use different from the one provided by the conditions expressed on the internet site and by the regulations is prohibited and sanctioned by law. Arribatec Marine’s trademarks and logos, just like all the names of the products, the contents and the services, are owned by Arribatec Marine and cannot be used without the written consent of the owner. The User acknowledges that the information presented to the User by the Service are protected by the regulations on the copyrights, trademarks, patents, and by the other rights of intellectual and/or industrial property. The User commits himself not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell or re-sell, and at any rate not to exploit for commercial ends, either wholly or partially, the Services and/or the intellectual achievement related to the Internet Site.

Pursuant to section 1, paragraph 1 of the Law Decree 22nd March 2004, no. 72, as amended by the conversion law of 21st May 2004, no. 128, the works present on this Internet Site have discharged all the obligations resulting from the regulations regarding the copyright and the relevant rights. The reproduction, the communication to the public, making available to the public, the rental and the loan, and the diffusion without the consent of the holder of the rights is prohibited. The penalties provided by the articles 171, 171-bis, 171-ter, 174-bis and 174-ter of law no. 633/1941 will be applied to the violations.