Legal Notices

The access to the pages of the website implies the acceptance by the user of the following conditions:

1. Arribatec Marine’s Responsibility
Any use of Arribatec Marine’s website is subject to these Conditions of Use. Arribatec Marine reserves the right to vary, modify, or change such Conditions of Use at any time, and without any further notice. The login procedure or, where this is not necessary, the access and the use of the Website implies the acceptance of the present Conditions of Use in their current version. Any use of the Arribatec Marine’s Website takes place at the user’s risk.

2. Accessibility of the Arribatec Marine‘s Website

Arribatec Marine explicitly rejects any responsibility on the availability of the Website. Arribatec Marine also reserves the right to interrupt the management and/or the publication of this Website either completely or in part, and to limit its access at any given time and without any further notice.

3. Use of the Arribatec Marine‘s Website, of its contents and of the information contained therein

All the information published by Arribatec Marine are supplied to the user – except where otherwise specified – for free. Any user can visualize and use for his own personal needs the information supplied. Any other use of such information, particularly any kind of reproduction, alteration, or integration in any publication or advertising, is only allowed with prior written authorization from Arribatec Marine. Arribatec Marine calls attention to the fact that the contents and the information can be protected by the rights of Arribatec Marine.
All the information have been gathered and checked by Arribatec Marine with the utmost attention, and are made available to the best of its knowledge. Where the information is provided by third parties, their publication is not altered in any way. Every user takes on the responsibility of checking that the information supplied are correct, complete, and/or updated. Arribatec Marine does not take on any responsibility for damages due to errors, incompleteness, lack of topicality of the information supplied, and/or possible misunderstandings of the latter on the user’s part, except for the instances where it is demonstrated a hypothesis of wilful misconduct or gross negligence due to Arribatec Marine. The information provided by Arribatec Marine with regards to the products and the services through the website do not represent in any way a contractual obligation between Arribatec Marine and its present and potential clients.
During the access and/or the use of the internet site, the user commits himself not to carry out the following activities:

  • to prejudice other users, particularly the minors, or to violate their personal rights;
  • to violate the common sense of decency;
  • to violate any intellectual activity or any other property right;
  • to upload any content compromised by viruses, by the so-called Trojan Horses, or any other programme capable of damaging the data;
  • to forward, to archive or to upload hyperlinks or contents which the user does not appear to be licensed for, particularly in cases where such hyperlinks or contents appear to violate the privacy obligations or which are illegal in any way;
  • to spread publicity, or to use the published e-mail addresses in order to diffuse unwanted e-mails (“spam”), or wrong notices concerning viruses, faults or any similar situation, or with the same disturbing or damaging value; the user also must not pressurize or request the involvement in any lottery, chain letters, pyramid, or similar activity.

Arribatec Marine will absolutely not be held responsible for any damage resulting from any improper use of the information provided by the user;

4. Links, contents and third party information
The Arribatec Marine Website may contain links and references to Web pages belonging to third parties. Arribatec Marine applies itself to the reading and the selection of the contents of the linked websites, in order to maintain the quality of the information; however, it does not take on any responsibility, and does not express any explicit approval with regards to such pages, and the related contents, as it cannot exercise any control over the information or the contents present therein. Under no circumstances will Arribatec Marine be held responsible for the quality, correctness or entirety of any information contained in other websites.

5. Important warning about the computer viruses
Even if Arribatec Marine makes every effort in order to maintain the website free from viruses, the company cannot provide any guarantee about the immunity of the site. The User must, for his own protection, take on the appropriate care measures, and use suitable filters before downloading any information, software, or documentation from the Website.

6. Regulations for the use of passwords and relevant liability
It is the exclusive responsibility of the User to protect the login and the access password to the website when present, and to avoid any wrong action concerning their use.
Should the User discover that his password has been involuntarily made accessible to any other unauthorised subject, and/or to third parties, or that there may be any danger of an improper use, the User is obliged to inform Arribatec Marine in due time. Arribatec Marine will be able to adopt the necessary measures in order to block the login and the password. Independently from what has been mentioned here above, Arribatec Marine cannot be held responsible for any cause and/or reason either as contractual title or as extra contractual title of a possible damage of any nature, derived from the improper use of the personal login and password. Arribatec Marine also reserves the right, at any time, and at its discretion, to cancel or to limit the right of the user to access the reserved areas, also by locking his data.

7. Responsibility Limitations
Arribatec Marine is not responsible for any damage (i.e. loss of earnings, annulment and/or disruption of operations, loss of data), unless such responsibility is provided for by law. Any responsibility which can be excluded or limited by law, and which has not yet been excluded or limited elsewhere in the present Conditions, is limited to 2,000.00 € (two thousand Euro) per each event.