Delcomar Compagnia di Navigazione has chosen InfoSHIP as a strategic counterpart in the process of digitalising the fleet’s operational processes.
The heart of the project focuses mainly on the centralization of the management of the maintenance cycle and the purchase of onboard assets for all 10 Ro-ro/pax operating properties.
The agreement, which also includes a staff training activity, is part of a wider digitalization project that the Delcomar company intends to implement on the entire fleet used today on the routes between Sardinia and its three major islands (La Maddalena, Asinara and Carloforte).
The technology developed by the company IB of Rapallo, recently acquired by the Norwegian group Arribatec, will entail for Delcomar a global review and, therefore, a radical innovation of the operational and management processes of its ships, especially with a view to further increasing the levels of safety to which the company has always been particularly attentive while optimizing operational management.
For IB, this agreement also marks a further step in diversifying the types of assisted ships equipped with its remote management and control systems.

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